Thanks for starting the Food Savings Challenge.

You’ve taken the first step towards helping save what matters, for you and the planet. Over the next few weeks, we’ll give you information to help you save food and money, with some tips and tricks from the experts at OzHarvest and author and passionate foodie, Khanh Ong.

Thanks for starting the Food Savings Challenge.

You’ve taken the first step towards helping save what matters, for you and the planet. Over the next few weeks, we’ll give you information to help you save food and money, with some tips and tricks from the experts at OzHarvest and author and passionate foodie, Khanh Ong.

3 simple ways to help you achieve your goals

To support you with your Food Savings Challenge, we’ve mapped out below several hands-on tips designed to help you improve and take charge on the best ways you can reduce food waste and make the most of the food you purchase.

This means you’re not throwing away food items which are wasted because they are now no longer edible, which in turn, reduces how often and how much supermarket shopping you need to do, helping you save money. Start from the beginning or jump to the area that you’d most like to improve on.

Learn how food and money savings start by planning your shopping and meal prepping.

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Make your produce last longer with savvy food storage.

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Keep tabs on what you’ve got and what needs using up with OzHarvest’s Use It Up TapeTM.

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