Policies and Legal information
Suncorp Bank and its subsidiaries were recently acquired by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ). Suncorp Bank and its subsidiaries are no longer owned by Suncorp Group Limited and are no longer part of the group of companies owned by Suncorp Group Limited (Suncorp Group).
Suncorp Bank will operate as a separate bank to ANZ. Some business support functions and other services may be performed by ANZ and its related entities (“ANZ Group”) for Suncorp Bank and its subsidiaries. Suncorp Bank and its subsidiaries may rely on ANZ for particular Policies to support its operations.
The Policies listed below applies to the activities of Suncorp Bank and its subsidiaries.
Legal information on the terms and conditions applying to this site, Product Information Documents, Family Law Guidelines, Code of Banking Practice and other key notifications are set out on this page.
Contact details for service of legal documents for all Suncorp Bank entities can be found here.