Current Home Loan Service Levels

Information for Brokers

Credit Assessment - Time to Decision*
Business days from when all docs received in AOL

Suncorp Bank SunLight

IMPORTANT: For comprehensive self employed applications, increase service level by 15 days

Elevate Accredited, PAYG and Basic Self Employed

Purchase & Pre-Approval Conversion
5 Days

Refinance, Add & Equity Loan
6 Days



8 Days

Elevate Gold, PAYG and Basic Self Employed

Purchase & Pre-Approval Conversion
4 Days

Refinance, Add & Equity Loan
5 Days



6 Days

In-flight assessment

3 Days

Conditional Pre-Approval

2 Days

Documents Generation

8 Days

Purchase & Refinance Settlement

5 Days

Add & Equity Loan Settlement

5 Days