Your privacy matters

We’ve updated Our Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions that apply to our products and services. These updates accommodate the changes as a result of our transition to ANZ .  

What updates have we made to Our Privacy Policy?

Our Privacy Policy explains the way in which we handle the personal information of our customers and other stakeholders.

It’s important to keep in mind that your personal information will still be handled by Suncorp Bank.

We’ve updated Our Privacy Policy to:

  • explain that we will no longer share your information with entities within the Suncorp Group;
  • explain the reasons why we will share your personal information within the ANZ Group to operate our business;
  • clarify the types of personal information we collect, and how we use and disclose that personal information;
  • update our contact details to help you get in contact with us and to explain how you can make a complaint.
View Our Privacy Policy

What else is new?

We’ve made some updates to the following Suncorp Bank policies and Terms and Conditions:

Product-specific privacy notices

These notices apply to specific Suncorp Bank products and services. They have been updated to reflect our transition to ANZ. View these notices on Our Privacy Policy web page


Online Terms and Conditions

These Terms & Conditions apply when you use the Suncorp Bank App, Internet Banking or our online sites. They have been updated to reflect our transition to ANZ and the updates apply from August 1st, 2024. View these T&Cs on Our Online Terms and Conditions web page.

Consumer Data Right policy

If you access services under the Consumer Data Right (CDR) regime, Suncorp Bank’s CDR Policy ensures we only share your data with accredited data recipients when requested by them, and as authorised by you. View Our CDR Policy (PDF).


Safeguard against scams

As always, please ensure you remain extra vigilant of scams, including any requests for your personal information from people pretending to be from Suncorp Bank or ANZ. If you have any questions about a communication you received, you can contact us.

Remember, we will never ask you to:

  • read out any passcodes we send you or that are generated from the Suncorp Bank Secured App
  • read out personal details like your Customer ID, card PIN, password or link to a login page
  • tell us your credit or debit card details over the phone.

Also, please be very cautious when making payments online. Double check the account details of new payees and of existing payees who request that you update their account details.

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Facebook: @SuncorpBanking

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