Business Loans & finance

Suncorp Equipment Finance

Finance options for the purchase of vehicles or equipment for your business.

Business Loans & finance

Suncorp Equipment Finance

Finance options for the purchase of vehicles or equipment for your business.

Flexible options and terms

Choose flexible repayment options tailored to your cash flow, from monthly to yearly, or even seasonally, either in advance or arrears.

Tax effective solutions

you may be able to claim interest, rental payments, and depreciation

Minimum facility amount


Loan terms

1 to 5 years

Interest rates and fees


Minimum, includes GST for Finance Leases

Other fees and government charges associated with each Lease and Chattel Mortgage will vary depending on the state you are in, the vendor of the goods being purchased, the amount of finance involved, and any Federal government charges.

The SUNCORP brand and Sun Logo are used by Suncorp Equipment Finance (Norfina Advances Corporation Pty Ltd) under licence. Suncorp Equipment Finance, a subsidiary of Suncorp Bank (Norfina Limited), is not part of the Suncorp Group and is not an authorised deposit-taking institution.

Minimum facility amount


Loan terms

1 to 5 years

Interest rates and fees


Minimum, includes GST for Finance Leases

Other fees and government charges associated with each Lease and Chattel Mortgage will vary depending on the state you are in, the vendor of the goods being purchased, the amount of finance involved, and any Federal government charges.

The SUNCORP brand and Sun Logo are used by Suncorp Equipment Finance (Norfina Advances Corporation Pty Ltd) under licence. Suncorp Equipment Finance, a subsidiary of Suncorp Bank (Norfina Limited), is not part of the Suncorp Group and is not an authorised deposit-taking institution.

We offer both Finance Leases and Chattel Mortgages, each with potential tax saving benefits and flexible payment options to match your cash flow.

Finance Lease

How it works

Suncorp Equipment Finance purchases the vehicle or equipment and you enjoy the use of the goods for an agreed time in return for rental repayments.

Amount financed

Suncorp Equipment Finance finances 100%, so no capital outlay or ownership obligation is required. Minimum facility amount of $20,000 applies.

Flexible terms

1-5 years

Flexible repayment options

Tailor the repayments to suit seasonal cash flow. A lump sum payment known as the residual will be payable at the end of the Lease. This is based on the value of the equipment at the end of the lease per Australian Taxation Office guidelines.

Tax benefits

Repayments are generally tax deductible and you may even be able to claim an input tax credit.


GST is payable on each repayment. You may be able to claim the GST paid via Input Tax Credits monthly, quarterly or annually.

Chattel Mortgage

How it works

You have full immediate ownership of the vehicle or equipment with Suncorp Equipment Finance holding a charge over the goods until the final payment is made.

Amount financed

Choose between paying a deposit to reduce the overall debt or ask us to finance 100% of the purchase price. Minimum facility amount of $20,000 applies.

Flexible terms

1-5 years

Flexible repayment options

Tailor the repayments to suit seasonal cash flow. You can choose an optional lump sum payment, known as a balloon payment, at the end of the term.  This helps to reduce repayment amounts during the loan.

Tax benefits

Interest and depreciation may be claimable.


We can fund the GST on the purchase price.  There’s no GST on the repayments.

We also offer luxury car leases for vehicles above the ATO threshold and novated leases for employee salary packaging.

We offer both Finance Leases and Chattel Mortgages, each with potential tax saving benefits and flexible payment options to match your cash flow.

We also offer luxury car leases for vehicles above the ATO threshold and novated leases for employee salary packaging.

Calculate your repayments  Suncorp Equipment Finance Calculator

Calculate your repayments 

Make sure you are eligible

You must have been in business for at least 2 years and be able to provide 2 consecutive years of financial statements and tax returns.

Vehicles or equipment must be used for business purposes at least 50% of the time.

Before you complete the application form

Please take a moment to review the required documentation listed below:

  • Financial Statements for the business for 2 years, including the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statements.
  • Interim Financial Statements if accountant prepared Financial Statements are over 12 months old.
  • Full personal tax returns for each Business Principal for the last financial year.
  • Payslips (if employment income will be used to service the finance).
  • Tax Invoice for the vehicle or equipment being purchased.
  • Copy of all business related bank account statements for the last 12 months (if not with Suncorp Bank).

Apply now

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Please download and complete the Suncorp Equipment Finance Application form and deliver it to your nearest branch for assessment.

Home Loan, Personal and Business Banking products are issued by Suncorp Bank (Norfina Limited ABN 66 010 831 722 AFSL No 229882 Australian Credit Licence 229882) to approved applicants only. Eligibility criteria, conditions, fees and charges apply and are available on request. Please read the relevant Product Information Document and terms and conditions before making any decisions about whether to acquire a product.

Equipment Finance products are offered by Suncorp Equipment Finance (Norfina Advances Corporation Pty Ltd ABN 89 100 845 127). The above information is for approved applicants only and subject to terms and conditions. For a copy of the terms and conditions please call 13 11 75.

This is not business, financial, legal or taxation (including GST) advice. Get independent advice on how the Asset Purchase might impact your business, financial, legal or taxation position. Business Lending Products are issued by Suncorp Bank (Norfina Limited ABN 66 010 831 722 AFSL No 229882 Australian Credit Licence 229882). To approved applicants only.

National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) (“NAB”) is the credit provider and issuer of Suncorp Bank Clear Options Credit Cards. Suncorp Bank (Norfina Limited ABN 66 010 831 722 AFSL No 229882) promotes and distributes Suncorp Bank Clear Options Credit Cards on NAB's behalf under an agreement with NAB. NAB has acquired the business relating to this credit from Citigroup Pty Ltd (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) (“Citi”) and has appointed Citi to assist to administer the Credit Cards. Suncorp Bank will not guarantee or otherwise support NAB's obligations under the contracts or agreements connected with the Credit Cards (other than those relating to Internet Banking and Telephone Banking).